Sunday, July 24, 2011

And it all begins again

4 weeks ago, i stuck to a plan. A well thoughout plan which involved me to just stick to the basics and run the miles. 3 weeks into i was super disappointed. why?

1) Didn't manage to complete my targeted distances
2) Forgot to add the fun quotient in my run
3) Blamed my shoes
4) I have had issues with my body (August 3rd is the appointment for them to diagonize the problem)

Week 4, the same issues kept bothering me and today 7/24 i decided to buy a new shoes. This time its Asics a break away from my traditional Sacuony. I have been using the same brand from past 3 years and really getting all comfortable in it. But the technology has improved and so is my need for a better shoe which can push me.

Let see how it goes from here. I have to cut down my schedule to 16 weeks and re do the 4 weeks for training. I am scared but can't give up.

There are a few races which i have signed up for which might help me with my ultimate goal

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saucony Omni 9 Junior – II

July 20th 2011, at exactly 8.10pm, Saccony Omni Junior – II passed away. The sudden death occurred near Arlington cemetery in Washington DC at 3.2 mile mark. He was 212 miles old.

Although Omni Junior – II was showing signs of withering down during the past one month the death was unexpected. His handler Indrajeet added “Everything seemed to be fine and then I could feel it in tremendous pain before passing away. It died right under my feet. I carried it all the way back from the cemetery to the house to prepare for his funeral” The handler also added that the he has pushed back his training by 2 weeks as a mark of respect to Omni Junior – II’s life.

Sacony Omni Junior – II funeral.

Omni Junior – II like its predecessor Omni Junior – 1 & Omni Senior has been serving the handler from the past 3 years. Every race the handler entered in the last 3 years have been solely due to the strength will power, control and balance that Sacucony Omni’s have provided., they controlled over pronation of the handler and balanced his run. They ran with him in three countries and successfully completed races.

The picture below shows Omni Sr in the hands of his handler, it was taken during the Abras AC Le Meriden Mina Seyahi race on 27th March 2009. Omni Senior completed the 10 kilometer race in 1Hr.06min

 Omni Senior with his handler in Dubai, 2009

 Omni Junior – I seen in action in dubai. The race was the last race the handler ran with the Saucony Omni’s before quitting running in the end of 2009.

                                                                            Omni Junior – I in action, 2009

Omni Junior – II had a special place in the heart and mind of his handler. When asked the reason he added and I quote, “When I stopped running I started gaining lot of weight. I went from being 165 pounds to 202 pounds, gaining close to 6 inches on my belly. Omni Junior – II pushed me physical and mentally and helped come back to sport I love. It also taught me to enjoy the run and helped me socialize with some of the amazing people I have met so far. During the course of time I was able to lose significant pounds and be physically active again. I also entered into a competitive race after a gap of two years and completed it. It was my 6th half marathon and I finished it in my best time so far. I also completed a 10 mile race with it. I couldn’t have done it without support and motivation that Omni Junior – II provided during the course of the run. It always used to respond to me when I needed it the most and performed at its best even in the harshest of conditions. Today I can call myself a runner only because of the faith Omni Junior II showed in me during testing times.

                                                    Omni Junior –II at the last 10 meters of DC National Marathon 2011

                                                       With his buddies at the finish line of GW parkway classic 10 miler

The legacy of the junior II will live on and the finishes  will always be remembered and cherished.  

 Omni Junior II
January 01 2011 to July 20th 2011
212 Miles
The remains would be donated to